Tyler Village aged care home is located: 320 Westbury Rd, Prospect Vale TAS 7250 • Tel: (03) 6343 2757

Enjoy nature-filled surroundings that soothe the soul

A stone’s throw from the heart of Prospect Vale, Tyler Village is a six wing aged care unit with 75 beds, 12 of which are dedicated to our memory support unit. Each room comes with a private ensuite. Here, older people enjoy dignity, respect and freedom to fully enjoy the good life.

Icons / Room / Premium

Premium Room

Large room with view of garden area and a private ensuite.

All rooms feature:

  • Modern construction
  • Built in wardrobe
  • Electric bed
  • Smoke & heat detectors
  • Fire sprinkler system
  • Wi-Fi (premium service)
  • Private telephone
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Recreation room • Courtyard • Lounge & sitting area

By your side, every step of the way

The supportive lifestyle at Tyler Village lets folks move at their own pace—independence when they want and assistance as they need. Our friendly, professional team of clinical staff and specialists, including registered nurses and personal care assistants, are at the ready, on call 24 hours a day. Tyler Village aged care offers comprehensive continuing care, including:
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Residential aged care
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Palliative care
Icon / Checkmark Secure dementia care
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Respite care

Services + Amenities

Comfortable furnishings abound and interesting, contemporary artwork lines the walls. Residents can pull up a chair in any of our outdoor patio areas. Proper diet and grooming are essential. Professional dietitians are consulted by our clinical team on a regular basis. Hairdresser bookings are available weekly, by appointment. *Some services are included in our additional services package, which incurs an additional daily fee. Please also refer to our Premium additional services brochure.

Experienced team

Dedicated and dependable, our friendly staff is available to help around the clock.

  • Registered nurses (24 hours/day)
  • Housekeeping services (cleaning, rubbish removal)
  • Physiotherapist and personal care assistants (dressing, hygienic care and more)
Illustration / Tailored services

Tailored services

Health care needs are conveniently addressed, as dedicated specialists make frequent visits.

  • Physiotherapists
  • Podiatrists
  • Speech pathologists
  • Hairdressers
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Our full-time chef prepares nutritious choices, varied enough so residents look forward to every mealtime. 

  • Three meals daily, including two hot meals
  • Prepared fresh, on site
  • Healthy and well balanced
  • Four week menu rotation
  • Special dietary requirements or restrictions accommodated
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Activities + excursions

Our leisure and lifetyle team plans activities and therapy to keep residents active and interested. The team coordinates special events, concerts and activities over a monthly social calendar. Twice a month, residents can enjoy bus trips to nearby locations.

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Sense of community

At Tyler Village, residents and staff for a special bond, become like family. Our welcoming environment inspires companionship and a greater sense of belonging, which has been known to benefit psychological health.

Illustration / Video calls

In person + video calls

Family and friends may visit Tyler Village anytime. For added peace of mind, remote video calls can also be facilitated by our Leisure and Lifestyle team as per their availability. Our team is skilled to assist with technology to set up a successful video call.

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Explanation of fees at Tyler Village

The amount that you will have to contribute toward the cost of your care is determined by factors such as room size, financial situation and personal needs. We have accommodation options that cater to everybody, from people who are on a full pension to those who have the means to contribute more.

Accomodation cost

This covers your room rental. You may be eligible for Governmental financial assistance.

How will I know if I’m eligible for financial assistance for aged care?

Financial assistance is available to those who truly need it. A means assessment will determine your eligibility based on your financial situation

The Australian Government will pay your aged care costs if:

Your income is below:


Icon / Plus +

Your assets are below:


You pay full if:

Your income is greater than:


Icon / Plus +

Your assets are greater than:


What are my options if I am self-funding my aged care?

The good news is, if you are paying for your aged care costs without Government assistance, you have a choice as to how you pay:

Option 1: RAD

A lump sum payment:

$600,000 Premium room

RAD = Refundable Accommodation Deposit
Fully refundable when you leave the home.

Option 2: DAP

Daily payments:

$138.41 Premium room

DAP = Daily Accommodation Payment
Rental-style, non-refundable payments.

Option 3: RAD + DAP

A combination of 50% RAD + 50% DAP
50% refundable when you leave the home.

Example of combination payment of a standard room:
50% refundable deposit (RAD) of $300,000
and 50% daily payment (DAP) of $69.21

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Food & services cost

This fee covers the cost of day-to-day services, such as meals, cleaning, laundry and facilities management.

Based on current rate:

$63.57 / day

$23,203.05 / year

The basic daily fee = 85% of the single person rate of the basic age pension. This changes twice per year.

Care cost

An ongoing fee that covers your personal and clinical care.

Personal care may include help with:
Bathing, dressing, grooming, toilet & shower support, etc.

Clinical care may include:
Specialised nursing services, medication management, catheter care, etc.

Means-tested care fees have annual and lifetime caps:

Maximum $34,174.16 / year

Maximum $82,018.15 / lifetime

Not everyone will have to pay a means-tested care fee; it is based upon your specific needs. If you do need to pay a care fee, the exact amount is determined through a means assessment. It may be determined after the needs assessment that you pay part of the cost and the Australian Government pays the rest.

Learn more out financial Government assistance at: myagedcare.gov.au

A word to prospective residents

Before becoming a resident at Tyler Village, it’s important for you and your loved ones to have an honest, open discussion. After all, this may be a significant lifestyle change, which can bring about many questions. To help you have the conversation, we’ve detailed key steps for those considering aged care.

To set up an in-home consultation, please reach out to our Customer Relationship Consultant.

Tracey Grace 0499 606 609

Tracey Grace
0499 606 609

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Respect has acquired many aged care homes over the years, which as earned trust in the communities we serve. With many locations set across Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales, you’ll find Respect aged care home in many desirable locations across the country.