Lyrebird Village aged care home is located: 6-20 Neerim St, Drouin, Victoria, 3818 • Tel: 03 5625 6400
Range of accommodation options, 115 room home
Standard Room
All rooms feature:
- Modern construction
- Electric bed
- Air conditioning
- Ensuite
- Bedside units
- Wi-Fi (opted as an additional service)
Recreation room • Courtyard • Lounge & sitting area • Library • Cafe • Dining room • Garden
A range of aged care services at Lyrebird Village.
Services + Amenities
Experienced team
Our staff is dedicated and trained to work under pressure, to best care and support our residents.
- Registered nurses (24 hours/day)
- Personal care assistants (dressing, hygienic care and more)
- Housekeeping services (cleaning, laundry)
Tailored services
Our social team arranges special activities designed to inspire interest and participation. Residents also have frequent visits from specialists, such as:
- Physiotherapists
- Podiatrists
- Dieticians
- Hairdressers
- Speech therapists
- Pharmacists
- Councellors (opted as an additional service)
Our chefs provide nutritious meals using only the freshest ingredients. Daily fare includes three main meals + three snacks. Access to dining rooms that include kitchenette and daily in season fruit.
- Three meals daily, including two hot meals
- Prepared fresh, on site
- Healthy and well balanced
- Four week menu rotation
- Daily picks of seasonally fresh fruits & vegetables
- Menu reflects cultural demographics
- Alternative offerings available
Activities + excursions
We have key staff members and skilled facilitators to support residents to be as independent as possible. A tailored activities program is developed around each of our resident’s recreation, spiritual and leisure interests including interactions with the wider local community, organisations and schools.
Sense of community
Becoming a resident at Lyrebird Villages does not mean severing ties with your existing lifestyle. We encourage our residents to be as actively involved as they wish to be whilst everyone’s personal space is respected. We own and operate three mini-buses on regular outings and drives throughout the district and to attend special events or occasions.
In person + video calls
Family and friends may visit Lyrebird Village anytime. For added peace of mind, remote video calls are always available. Our team is skilled to assist with technology to set up a successful video call. NBN and Wi-Fi offers all residents a fast and effective connection to the internet and entertainment.
Explanation of fees at Lyrebird Village
Accomodation cost
This covers your room rental. You may be eligible for Governmental financial assistance.
How will I know if I’m eligible for financial assistance for aged care?
Financial assistance is available to those who truly need it. A means assessment will determine your eligibility based on your financial situation
The Australian Government will pay your aged care costs if:
Your income is below:
Your assets are below:
You pay full if:
Your income is greater than:
Your assets are greater than:
What are my options if I am self-funding my aged care?
The good news is, if you are paying for your aged care costs without Government assistance, you have a choice as to how you pay:
A lump sum payment:
$600,000 Standard room
RAD = Refundable Accommodation Deposit
Fully refundable when you leave the home.
Daily payments:
$138.41 Standard room
DAP = Daily Accommodation Payment
Rental-style, non-refundable payments.
A combination of 50% RAD + 50% DAP
50% refundable when you leave the home.
Example of combination payment of a standard room:
50% refundable deposit (RAD) of $300,000
and 50% daily payment (DAP) of $69.21
Food & services cost
This fee covers the cost of day-to-day services, such as meals, cleaning, laundry and facilities management.
Based on current rate:
$63.82 / day
$23,294.30 / year
The basic daily fee = 85% of the single person rate of the basic age pension. This changes twice per year.
Care cost
An ongoing fee that covers your personal and clinical care.
Personal care may include help with:
Bathing, dressing, grooming, toilet & shower support, etc.
Clinical care may include:
Specialised nursing services, medication management, catheter care, etc.
Means-tested care fees have annual and lifetime caps:
Maximum $34,311.23 / year
Maximum $82,347.13 / lifetime
Not everyone will have to pay a means-tested care fee; it is based upon your specific needs. If you do need to pay a care fee, the exact amount is determined through a means assessment. It may be determined after the needs assessment that you pay part of the cost and the Australian Government pays the rest.
Learn more out financial Government assistance at:
A word to prospective residents
To set up an in-home consultation, please reach out to our Customer Relationship Consultant.
Sherri-Lee Jennson 0492 069 580
Sherri-Lee Jennson
0492 069 580
Have questions?
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