Respect Way Inspires Staff to Take a New Approach to Social Care
Alcheringa, Coates, Respect Way, Woodhaven |
Across each of Respect’s aged care communities, we know just how important a vibrant and engaging calendar of social activities is for resident wellbeing.
From inspiring inclusion and group participation to developing new skills and an active lifestyle, our wonderful social care teams remain dedicated to ensuring residents continue to engage with each other, and the surrounding community, in a fun and positive way.
Late last year, this commitment was on display through unique, staff-led projects undertaken at three of our homes – Alcheringa in Swan Hill, Victoria; Woodhaven in Lockhart, New South Wales; and Coates in St Arnaud, Victoria – which focused on implementing positive change to their social care calendars.
Each endeavour was part of our Respect Way lean leadership program, which provides our staff with the confidence, tools, and skills to continuously innovate the care we offer residents and their families.
Alcheringa’s project focused on reimagining the home’s social calendar based on residents’ preferences, changing physical capabilities, and ongoing feedback – to reduce isolation and increase participation. Led by the home’s General Manager Debbie Payne and her team, a more structured approach to social care saw the introduction of regular reviews and staff meetings to ensure all scheduled activities and events stayed fresh and engaging.
Thanks to this renewed approach, and supported by the inclusion of new ideas, Alcheringa has seen a staggering level of positive change. From January to September, their resident attendance rate for social activities increased a whopping 72 percent!
Our staff at Coates focused their Respect Way project on improving the communication of their social program with residents and their families, including through increased storytelling. Led by General Manager Jane Snell and her team, their appraisal of past practices uncovered the need for better digital devices to capture and store photos and videos, as well as a standardised approach to a monthly, homewide newsletter (including the use of templates, step-by-step guides and a lot of teamwork).
The end result – a new, monthly newsletter featuring resident profiles, event information and social updates – has been a massive hit with residents and their loved ones!
Our team at Woodhaven also drew on the Respect Way approach to inspire more resident participation and decision-making in developing the home’s social care calendar.
Undertaken by General Manager Lisa Krebser and her staff, this also included a focus on more regularly and accurately updating reporting around resident participation, including physical activity.
Thanks to the team’s great work, Woodhaven’s social care program is being consistently honed and improved using post-activity evaluation and real-time feedback from residents, which helps ensure activities continue to meet their needs and expectations.
Since the start of the project, Woodhaven residents have been more engaged with activities, enjoyed increased health benefits, and even taken a lead role in coming up with new ideas for the future – with a focus on engaging with the community!