History of AlcheringaYear Founded: 1959

The Alcheringa Home Society was formed in 1959. The Committee initially undertook fundraising activities with the object of raising the local contribution to match a Government grant for the provision of accommodation for senior citizens in Swan Hill. The Committee’s aims were eventually fulfilled and the first residents were admitted in December 1976. The official opening of Alcheringa was on Saturday 7th October 1978.

  • January 2009: Alcheringa commenced their first stage of their retirement village, Swan Hill Village, located adjacent to the aged care facility. The initial stage of development of the Village is called Belah Mews. It will consist of 33 units of various s les and sizes and its own Lesiure Club. 29 units have been completed and another two are about to start construction. Demand for the units at the village has been extremely strong, with all units being occupied on completion.
  • September, 2009: Alcheringa Hostel amalgamated with Coates Residential Care in St. Arnaud on September 1, 2009. This was Alcheringa’s first organisational growth, adding the 28 apartment facility after assisting with the turn-around in early 2009 when the facility was in crisis and facing imminent closure in July 2009. With the dedication of the Alcheringa Board, CEO, senior staff, along with Coates Residential Care Manager and staff, and with a team of advisors all working together, they turned the 28 apartment facility around within 12 months to be financially viable and sustainable within the community of St. Arnaud.
  • November, 2010: this dedication saw Coates Residential Care achieve the 44 accreditation standards. With the organisational growth that followed, Alcheringa decided to establish an administration office during this time in 2010, known as the head office.
  • June 2010: the Department of Health and Ageing and Mr. Michael Goldsworthy, Australian Strategic Services, invited Alcheringa to assist with working with another facility in a rural remote area that was facing challenges in remaining open.
  • July 2010: the facility had sanctions placed on it and this could have caused the closure of the facility. To avoid this closure, Alcheringa accepted the invitation to assist with the management of the facility located in Pyramid Hill. With the commitment of Alcheringa’s Board, CEO, senior staff and team of advisors they began work addressing the issues that the facility had been confronted with. The facility required a massive change process, with new care models, new staff, new systems, new ways of managing and governing, amongst other things. Pyramid Hill over this time, staffing levels increased from 11 to 26, now being one of the largest employers in Pyramid Hill.
  • December 2011: Pyramid Hill Bush Nursing passed its 44 accreditation standards. Steve Wood, Acting Director of Quality Compliance for the Department of Health and Ageing, made this comment regarding Alcheringa:
    “This is a unique and interesting model that Alcheringa has developed and is proving small rural aged care organisations can be financially sustainable, exceed the standards and residents’ requirements, and make a major contribution to the local economy and community development of small country towns.” Pyramid Hill Bush Nursing Hostel is the third rural aged care organisation (plus Alcheringa and Coates in St. Arnaud) that has undergone a major ‘clean up and fix up.’ What is emerging from these three projects is a unique, integrated and sustainable model of rural aged care that ensures local communities can access aged care, increase employment opportunities and demonstrate power, value and benefit of project partnerships and amalgamations.”