How a Support Plan Review Can Help You Get Reassessed

Home Care |

support plan review

While home care support through HCP program offers a lifeline for individuals seeking to maintain independence while receiving necessary assistance, what happens when your needs evolve – as so often is the case in older age? How do you ensure that your care plan aligns with your shifting requirements as well as goals?

Enter the support plan review – a crucial checkpoint in your home care journey, and another opportunity to ensure you are accessing personalised, responsive, and holistic care.

Understanding home care

Growing in popularity, home care encompasses a range of services designed to support individuals with activities of daily living, health management, and overall wellbeing. From assistance with personal care to household tasks, transportation, and nursing care, home care aims to empower older Australians to live comfortably and safely in their own homes.

Read our comprehensive guide if you or your loved one is interested in how to get started with home care.

The types of support and services available

Home care services are diverse, catering to a wide array of needs. This can include personal care such as bathing, dressing, and grooming, as well as domestic assistance like meal preparation, cleaning, and laundry. Additionally, clients may receive nursing care, allied health services, mobility aids, and social support to enhance their quality of life and emotional and social health. 

The role of the provider

Choosing the right home care provider is paramount. Providers not only deliver essential services but also serve as companions and advocates for their clients. A strong relationship between you and your provider fosters trust, communication, and personalised care, ensuring that your individual needs are met with empathy and respect. 

Understanding support plan assessments

At the heart of effective home care is a tailored support plan. Support plan assessments are comprehensive evaluations conducted by your provider to understand your current needs, preferences, and goals. These assessments serve as the foundation for crafting personalised care plans that evolve alongside your own journey of ageing.

What do providers look for?

During a support plan assessment, providers meticulously examine various facets of a you or a loved one’s life, including physical health indicators, cognitive function, emotional wellbeing, and social connections. They also evaluate your living environment, identifying potential safety hazards or barriers to independence. By adopting a holistic approach, providers can tailor care plans to address specific needs and preferences, ensuring a personalised and responsive approach to care delivery.

Why should you consider requesting a support plan review?

As your needs change, so too should your care plans. Initiating a support plan review presents an invaluable opportunity to reassess your current situation, identify emerging needs or challenges, and explore new avenues for support and enrichment. It also empowers you to actively participate in shaping your care journey, advocating for their preferences, and ensuring that your care plan remains aligned with your evolving goals and aspirations.  

So, if you think you could benefit from having your situation reassessed, check in with your provider today and seek their thoughts – they would be only too happy to help!

To learn more about the concept of person-centred care, including why it remains a core component of beneficial health services, read our recent blog article. 

Preparing for reassessment

Preparing for a support plan reassessment can enhance its effectiveness and ensure that all relevant aspects of a you or a loved one’s wellbeing are considered. You can start by reflecting on your current needs, challenges, and goals, as well as any changes in their health or lifestyle since your last assessment.  

Gathering pertinent documents such as medical records, medication lists, and advance care directives can also provide valuable insights for the assessment process. Additionally, being open and honest during discussions with the assessor ensures that the care plan accurately reflects you or a loved one’s needs and preferences. 

Key questions to ask

During the reassessment process, you are encouraged to ask questions and actively engage in shaping your care plan. Some key questions to consider include: 

  • How will my care plan be adjusted to accommodate any changes in my health or circumstances? 
  • Are there any new services or resources that may benefit me? 
  • How frequently should we review my care plan in the future? 
  • Can you explain how my funding package supports the services outlined in my care plan? 
  • What steps should I take if I have concerns about my care or if my needs change unexpectedly? 

The importance of support plan reassessments

Support plan reassessments play a pivotal role in your home care journey. By proactively reviewing and reassessing care plans, you can anticipate future needs, which itself can help prevent potential challenges and even crises, as well as make informed decisions about your support options moving forward. 

Embracing the opportunity for ongoing dialogue and collaboration with providers ensures that care remains responsive, flexible, and tailored to your evolving needs and preferences. 

Here are some general examples that help put in perspective how crucial support plan reviews can be: 

1. Adapting to changing health conditions 

Imagine a client diagnosed with a chronic condition such as arthritis. Through a support plan review, the provider can reassess the client’s needs, coordinate additional physiotherapy if necessary, and adjust the care plan to include exercises tailored to improving joint mobility and pain management, ensuring optimal health and wellbeing moving forward. 

2. Facilitating social engagement 

Consider a client experiencing isolation due to limited social interactions. During a support plan review, the provider can explore opportunities for social engagement, such as joining community groups, participating in recreational activities, or accessing technology to connect with loved ones virtually. By incorporating social support into the care plan, the client gains companionship, emotional support, and a renewed sense of belonging. 

3. Enhancing safety and independence 

Suppose a client experiences a fall at home, resulting in concerns about safety and mobility. Through a support plan review, the provider can conduct a thorough assessment of the client’s living environment, identify potential hazards, and recommend modifications such as installing grab bars, removing tripping hazards, or arranging for physiotherapy to improve balance and strength. By prioritising safety and independence, the client gains confidence and peace of mind, enabling them to continue living comfortably in their own home.

In summary

Across home care, adaptability is key. As you navigate the complexities of ageing, support plan reviews offer a roadmap for staying on course and maximising your quality of life. By engaging in open dialogue with your providers, advocating for your needs, and embracing change, you can approach your home care journey with confidence and empowerment. So, let’s embrace the opportunity to reassess, recalibrate, and continue thriving in the comfort of our own homes 

We’re here to support

Ready to receive hassle-free in-home care support? Grab our free report for a step-by-step guide to accessing a Home Care Package (HCP), understanding costs, and a must-have handy home care checklist. Take the first step toward care at home — download now for free 

Got questions or like to receive more support? Please reach our care at home advisors or call us on 1300 144 144 and choose “home care” as a service option.

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