History of Lyrebird Village1959

Lyrebird Villages for the Aged developed from a meeting between a group of interested citizens and representatives of the Baw Baw Shire Council in Mid-1973. Following consideration of the most appropriate management structure, the “Committee of Management of Lyrebird Villages for the Aged” was appointed by Council on August 19th, 1974 and was charged with the provision of accommodation for aged people.  The name “Lyrebird” was an obvious choice for this new organization, the Lyrebird being the emblem of the Shire of Baw Baw.

  • Initially this complex comprised of 33 rooms and two staff units, supported by dining and other communal facilities.
  • In February 1991, “Lyrebird Village” was extended with the addition of another 11 rooms and ancillary facilities.
  • In 2004, Lyrebird Village opened a new 17-bed unit (Dementia Specific) this unit has been 100% occupied from day one. This unit has been extremely successful, and we believe that with the increased growth in the Baw Baw Shire and the ageing population the need for care will only extend.
  • In 2011, Lyrebird Village commenced a major capital works development for 51 new high care beds on the site of the original buildings built in 1981.  The Commonwealth Department of Health & Ageing has contributed a significant amount of funds towards the Banksia wing that was completed in November 2013. Lyrebird saw the first residents arrive in December 2013. Lyrebird Villages now has the capacity to offer 115 residential beds.
  • Like many other Respect homes, the ongoing success of Lyrebird Village has been greatly assisted by the financial and other practical support from community groups, service clubs and individual people who have an interest in the services it provides. Without this support, the management task would be much more difficult. The Committee was fortunate to have had the support of the Drouin Auxiliary of Lyrebird Villages for the Aged, a band of ladies who, over a span of 18 years, raised almost $100,000 to assist in the provision of new buildings, equipment and furnishing.